Back To Normal

Or, as normal as a foreigner living in a Japanese nuclear leakage zone can be. Packed my brief case, put on a necktie, and headed into Tokyo this morning. Was interesting with dark train cars, no heating on the trains, darker train stations, and all the escalators shut down. It’s a different Japan and will be different well into summer of this year.

Our house is zoned outside of the regular power outages, so I can keep this new home server humming and continue to develop, script, and otherwise hack unencumbered. Well, almost unencumbered. This little server screams – it boots Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit in less than 15 seconds, the graphics are awesome, the screen is a nice 27 inches, and all is zippy except that about every four hours I get a BSOD. Yes, something I have not experienced for years. The sad thing is that it is not a consistent blue screen dump, but always changes, so probably a RAM thing. Probably go by the store tomorrow and invest some yen in a new matched pair of memory.

#293 of TWiT this week covers the iPad2 for a good part of the show, but they do not mention that it will probably be released a bit later than originally planned. Or, will it? Do they know something I don’t?
Now with two weeks passed since the earthquake, I am hoping that the nuclear situation will finally, finally settle and put all the drama queens among us at ease. I am sure it will take at least another two weeks for everybody to get back into a productive groove and actually look forward to it.
Over the past couple of weeks have been in an ongoing discussion that may change the course of my career… will reveal more on that in the next posting.

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