Sensation Sells – CNN Is A Cauldron Of Liars

Throughout my life, the wiser individuals have pointed out propaganda, sensationalism, and how one should only believe a part of the news that’s broadcast. This experience has been a big lesson and has made those advisories so clear; especially as it applies to CNN and Wolf Blitzer. I am in Japan and have lived in Japan for a third of my life at this point. I read, write, and speak the language fluently at a near-native level. I am not confused by the events here… unlike the stupid American reporters that keep claiming ‘mixed signals’ or ‘unclear messages’ or ‘changing stories’. CNN can report all this because they do not know what is being said.
Three minutes after the earthquake last Friday, I knew that reactor #1 in Fukushima Dai-Ichi was damaged. Every hour since then I have had very clear updates and feel that the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric has offered full-disclosure and the greatest transparency possible. Associating this incident with Chernobyl or Three Mile Island is absurd. Both of those incidents involved cover-up. There is no cover-up here and I feel very confident that the situation will be resolved.
What I don’t understand is what the morons that ran away are going to do at the end of this three-day weekend and all is cleared up? I know of two people that may not have a job. I know of another person that will be completely broke, because he blew his life savings on business class plane tickets and hotel bills. All because he didn’t ‘understand’ the language and ‘believed’ CNN.
One thing for sure – all the stupid people are filtered out and life will be easier until they all come back. To have the nerve to think that we have it hard and that any kind of disaster is among us (yet… I could be wrong when the next reactor blows) is an insult to the tens of thousands of people north of us that lost all of their homes and belongings. We should be here to help them by keeping the economy going. The sooner we recover mentally and productively, the quicker our northern victims can pull pieces together and set out on the road to recovery.

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