WorkPapers Desktop Coming Soon

The upcoming release of WorkPapers desktop software will be the third major release version written in yet a third, different programming language. I started with the release of the original WorkPapers in late 2004, which was a Mac only version written in Objective-C/Cocoa. Soon after that release, I developed a RealBASIC version of the software, since there was an obvious demand for a multi-platform version of the software. This second version sold quite well, but with RealBASIC, was real difficult to maintain and customize as much as end users (and myself) wanted.
To meet the multi-platform demand and the long range development plans of the software, next Saturday I will be releasing a Java version of WorkPapers desktop software that will also allow replication with projects that are created or edited on the WorkPapers.Pro web application. No other audit electronic working papers solution  offers the resilience of cloud application hosting combined with the portability of a desktop application that can synchronize to the cloud.WorkPapers Desktop Coming Soon

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