Playing With Python…. Trying To Get Back To Pictures

Over the last couple of months have really enjoyed studying, coding, debugging a bunch of Python code, but last weekend I got the photo bug again. Going to make it a point to pick up the cameras this weekend and organize photos and shoot a few. Stay tuned.
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After BASIC, Pascal, C, C++, Perl, Objective-C, RealBASIC, and Java, I have found Python! For the cloudy world that we live in these days, with applications being split between the web and desktop (e.g., real rich web applications), it’s really hard to beat the Java-Python combination. Of course, if you want to develop for Apple, then need to pull X-Code and Objective-C out of the arsenal, but for everything else – Java and Python more than fill the requirements.
First, many Java frameworks provide the ability to compile Java code into Javascript for rich, fast client-side web applications. Then Python on the server side is soooo fast and the frameworks are so abundant for just about anything you need to do.
My most recent tests with Python are at and Tuple is still an experiment and very beta, but will be extended into a micro-blogging service that will put limitations on ‘noise’ and the number of followers one can have. In other words, I like micro-blogging, but Twitter is just too noisy these days; and I do admit guilt in promoting my own software on that network. But come on! With 6,000+ followers, I can no longer take updates through the cell phone, or I would have to pay money for another service that will filter and SMS these messages for me. Not. For security reasons, without getting into too many details, Tuple is a python script and it is blazing fast. If anything, I’ll use it and very soon will pipeline those updates to Twitter, Facebook, etc…

Overall, Python’s simplicity and odd coding structure make the learning curve similar to Objective-C. After a few weeks of pouring over code and debugging, this light flashes and you ‘realize’ yourself into understanding.
Now onto working on the SIEM white paper we recently started. When we release it at the end of the month, will blog about that.

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