Bullet Trains and Small Bladders

Everybody in this country wants a window seat on the bullet train, but nobody can hold their bladder long enough for a two hour ride to Osaka. So, people like myself who actually like the ‘edge’ leg room and ease of mobility offered by the aisle position, find themselves levitating toward the window seats. When Japanese try to get out of their window seat, some where in their mind they think they can get get by without waiting for you to stand to get out of their way. One Japanese guy found himself sitting back down to wait for me to stand up this morning. I met his passage with a stern shoulder check as I stood up. Again, plausible innocence goes over great here. After the incident, he felt in the wrong and apologized :-)

Over the past couple days have been working with iText, the great Java PDF API. I am finding that when pulling simple HTML from web-based HTML editors, where the strings are stored as simple HTML, iText is very useful for PDF export. According to some web links it also does RTF. I’ll get to that this afternoon after taking this iPad break.

Of course, all of this text wrangling is for the reporting interface for WorkPapers.Pro, the best electronic working papers software on the ‘net. On that note, to seperate the subject of security and electronics from my programming endeavors, I’ve setup a seperate blog at WorkPapers.Pro, which will address that subject without boring my readers here…. now back to the workshop for the next blog post. Thinking about mashing something together that uses a remote control, servos, a really loud buzzer, and a hidden camera.

If you look close at this picture, there is a lot of blood on the front of this rig. Bugs? Platform jumper?

On, on!!

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