WorkPapers Software, Java, Google Web Toolkit, and DCMA

Hi All!! Still alive and kicking. Been a couple weeks since the last posting but have been hard at work putting together another platform iteration of WorkPapers software. So far, I have created the audit working papers management software solution in Cocoa and RealBasic, so this time around thought I would try one more iteration in Java and Ajax. For more information about WorkPapers, please see the projects page on this web site. This will give a cross-platform solution that will sync with a web-base Ajax interface… sexy! So now that I am in advanced stages of this programming iteration, I thought I would shop around for yet another domain name to host the software on. One of the domain names I searched revealed an imposter that states the product is still in development! Whoever decided to use the name must have thought of it, then said, ‘Yeah, that’s an awesome name!’. Then proceeded to use it without searching or anything. I have not submitted links for it in three or four years as I have a user following, and still get number four or five on Google. What were they thinking? I know what I’m thinking… stop using my name or get ready to offer a serious cut!
I have used the ‘WorkPapers’ name for software since 2003, so whoever is out there trying to use my name will have a hard time collecting money for it free-and-clear because I have all intention of protecting the name…. that’s where DMCA fits into the title. Been learning a bit about that and also that it applies to trademarks too! Also, learned that a copyright and trademark right can be very well enforced even if they are not registered, and furthermore, even if somebody manages to register the trademark after you have used a name. I really hope all is settled amicably.

Along with my job as a security practitioner, I have been looking into developing domain analysis tools (especially AD) with Java and came by this link that outlines all the resources from Sun Oracle that outline how to use the JNDI framework for AD analysis. Good stuff for the hands-on types!
Enjoy…. 73s.

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