Takashimaya Department Stores Going LED

The Nikkei headlines this morning, as I read it on the page facing me in the train, says that Takashimya Department Stores in Japan has announced that they will replace major location lighting with LED. The target is to replace and install some 150,000 units by 2012, reducing electricity costs to one-fifth of current expenditure. This will include locations in Tokyo and Osaka, a total of 18 locations nationwide. The Japanese article I looked up on the web is here. There is also an English headline here but that just links to the Nikkei pay-to-read site. Continue reading Takashimaya Department Stores Going LED

Smart Google? Dumb Google?

I was in the office yesterday and in passing conversation Google’s recent actions became the subject of conversation. “Dumb move”, came from across the table, which made me think a bit. Since I had heard the news last week, I was thinking nothing but smart move, so this came as a surprise and caused me to think about it for a while, hence, this blog posting.DUMBThe first dumb point that comes from this is that Google just shot themselves in the foot in the largest internet population in the world. The recent news profiles China as the largest internet ‘market’, … Continue reading Smart Google? Dumb Google?

Three-Day Weekend

It’s a Friday night at the start of a three-day weekend. We have one of my wife’s friends and her two girls over this evening for tacos, which is something you don’t get to eat very often in Japan. Gave notice at my job this week and soon after realized that I still have 29 days of vacation left, so I will work the rest of this month and take next month off. While vacationing on my regular job during March, will try to pickup a consulting gig, so that I can make a little extra money for the computer … Continue reading Three-Day Weekend